This blog began with the intention of sharing my experience of living with lupus, hoping […]
Must Love Lupus
If I were single, how could I possible find a grain of energy to date someone? My nature is to remain reticence where I am safe. But the desire to find a companion might catapult me off the couch and onto the computer, searching for love despite my lupus and chronic illnesses.
Accidental Lupus Vacation
It has been a while since I posted an article that I authored and I humbly apologize for my lengthy absence. I do have a justified explanation, though. A short while back, I was in a car accident.
Lupus Meltdown – (Lupus Stress)
I haven’t written for a while and I apologize. Lupus dominated my life over the past couple of months. The physical and emotional stress all culminated into a lupus meltdown.
One of the 10 Best Lupus Blogs – Get Out!
I want to share some happy lupus blog news with you and I promise to explain my reason why at the end of my article. (No cheating and scrolling to the end.)
When Lupus Throws You for a Loop
Hopefully, one day there will be a cure for lupus and the lupus loop will dissolve forever. Until then, please hold onto hope with me, & let lupus loop-us.
Put on Your Power Suit, We’re Going to Court, Lupus Handicap Court
I entered the courthouse, filed into the mandatory security screening. Then I was shocked silent from the verbal brutality. (It is my private business that I have a lupus handicap.)
How can I help You With Your Lupus?
My vision is a place where people with chronic illnesses can own homes and live among fellow spoonies. A spoonie community. A spoonity.
Dear Doctor, You’re Fired! – When it’s Time to Change Lupus Docs
While no individual physician may meet all of our health needs, or have exhaustive knowledge on any specific disease, that should not excuse doctors from failing to provide care to the point where it may be detrimental to our well-being.
Lupus Medications are my Chronic Illness Reality
My psychologist wants to wean me off of my anxiety medications. Fine, super, go ahead. […]